Videos DORDICK TRIAL COLLEGE About This Video Dordick Trial College on May 13-16 2021 in Cabo San Lucas. Mr.…adminOctober 6, 2020
ArticlesHealth Spot your symptoms There are over 6 million car crashes in the US per year. Out of that…JP AndersonFebruary 14, 2020
ArticlesHealth Concussion discussion First let’s start with what a concussion is. A concussion is a mild Traumatic brain…JP AndersonFebruary 14, 2020
ArticlesLegal Car on car collision Car on car collisions are among the most common accidents. Even so many people involved…JP AndersonFebruary 14, 2020
ArticlesHealth Whiplash Hash Whiplash got its name because of the movement that causes this injury is much like…JP AndersonFebruary 14, 2020
ArticlesHealth What Happens To Your Body During A Car Accident Think of it like a slab of butter—a seatbelt is going to just drag through…adminFebruary 14, 2020
Videos Injury Accident Doctor Party About This Video Welcome to Doctors for Accidents, Also know as D4A Our Goal is…adminOctober 8, 2019
ArticlesHealthLegal Why should I see a accident doctor right away? Unfortunately, in non-emergency situations, patients may choose to avoid clinics or hospitals out of a…adminSeptember 29, 2019