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Car accident injuries can vary from minor to major bruising and life-threatening disorders.

No matter how bad your wounds are, you must consult a medical professional or a personal injury doctor so they can properly diagnose and treat you. And if the other driver caused the collision, their insurance company may be obligated to pay any damages.

A visit to the personal injury doctor can support your claim for damages. The more documentation you have, the better.

Car Injury

What Kind of Care Should You Receive Right After a Car Accident?

Your health is very important to take care of after a car accident. A personal injury doctor must examine your wounds to provide the care you require. Your injuries will determine the kind of care you get and the doctor you visit.

You might need to see an ER doctor, primary care doctor, or health professionals like surgeons, neurologists, or psychiatrists.

You must visit the emergency to see a doctor if your wounds are severe. If you require an ambulance due to a life-threatening injury, dial 911 at the location of the collision. Do not hesitate to receive the immediate care you require.

If your accident occurs late at night and your injuries get worse right away, going to the emergency room is the best bet. There will always be an ER physician on call after regular clinic hours.


Primary Care Physician or Urgent Care Doctor?

Make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible following the accident if your injuries are not life-threatening. You could take a self-drive trip to an urgent care facility to get checked and treated. You can walk in without an appointment, and they often keep longer clinical hours than a primary care physician (PCP).

You can phone your PCP and inform them that you require a physical examination as a result of a car accident if your injuries can wait long enough to schedule an appointment. Be aware, though, that many primary physicians won’t see someone following a car accident.

Inform the doctor of your symptoms, including any pain or unexplained discomfort. If your injuries have any impact on your daily life, let them know. They can run some tests to look for underlying issues, or they can inspect any apparent injuries. You’ll get the right care if you have a proper diagnosis.

Specialist in Medicine

Your doctor may occasionally suggest that you seek out a specialist for additional care or tests. This could be a result of specific injuries or the necessity for operations. The speed of your recovery can be increased by seeing a professional.

Moreover, remember to;

  • Comply with all directions given by your doctor. If they want you to make a specialist’s appointment, do so as soon as you can.
  • Go for therapy and appointments.
  • Pay attention to your doctor’s advice to heal right and on time to prevent putting yourself at further risk.

For insurance considerations, you will also need to be accountable for your therapy. If you file an insurance claim for damages and miss appointments with the doctor, the insurance provider can argue that your injuries aren’t as severe as you claim. Your chances of getting compensated somewhat may suffer as a result.

What Happens If Your Doctor Refuses to See You After the Accident?

This is actually very normal to happen. Many medical professionals won’t treat victims of vehicle accidents because they are:

  • Not configured to bill vehicle insurance providers.
  • Uncomfortable treating vehicle accident injuries in case they are required to give a courtroom testimony.

Although they are scarcer than ever, primary care doctors still treat victims of car accidents. Call a personal injury litigation company if your doctor’s office says they won’t treat you. Speaking with a car accident attorney can help you find a local physician who will treat you.

Go to the ER or urgent care if you require immediate care and are unable to locate a physician who can assist you. Even if you have to cover the costs out of your own pocket, your claim may still cover them.

Should Everyone See a Doctor Right Away After a Car Accident?

Yes, we can’t emphasize more on seeing a doctor as it is highly advised even if you feel fine.

Many injuries sustained in vehicle accidents are not immediately noticeable; once they are, they can deteriorate quickly. For instance, you might not immediately notice any of the following injuries:

  • Head and neck traumas, including concussions, whiplash, and brain clots.
  • Injuries or damage to the ligaments, nerves, or muscles in the back.
  • Internal hemorrhage
  • Injuries to the spinal cord
  • Fractures
  • Traumatic encephalopathy

Headaches, minor aches and pains, numbness, and swelling can all be signals of more serious conditions yet are simple to ignore. To be safe, it’s best to get yourself checked by your personal injury doctor.